Ukraine-related disinformation and updates

A roundup of Ukraine-related disinformation, updates, and news. First, the update and then the disinformation, followed by news.

E. Rosalie
3 min readDec 1, 2022

Russia is preparing for its next wave of mobilization, which starts in January 2023. In Khrustalnyi (city) in the temporarily occupied territory of Luhansk, Russian authorities announced the end of mobilization. Despite this, Russian troops continue to patrol the city, and at the settlement exits, Russian soldiers search for anyone trying to leave.

Videos that show a Russian soldier opening fire on Ukrainian soldiers after other Russian soldiers had surrendered have been edited and shared widely to assert that Ukrainian forces are killing POWs. This is false. The Kremlin continues to misrepresent what happened.

On November 22, Russia’s State Duma (the lower legislative chamber) unanimously adopted a statement accusing Ukraine’s armed forces of murdering Russian prisoners of war. In other news, the Duma appears to have a complete lack of self-awareness.



E. Rosalie

Disasters & information (public health + nat sec) | Johns Hopkins alum | @COVID19Tracking alum | Mapping medical misinfo 💉 and information disorder